Primary teeth are very important because they guide a child’s permanent teeth into their proper position. If your child loses a primary tooth prematurely, our team at New Image Dentistry may recommend a space maintainer to hold his or her remaining teeth in position. This will allow your child’s permanent teeth to erupt properly.
Our knowledgeable dentist is eager to help your child develop and keep a healthy, beautiful smile. Depending on your needs, our dentist could recommend a either a removable or a fixed maintainer. These maintainers can be made from either stainless steel or plastic. Regardless of the material your maintainer is made from, our team invites you to follow several steps to maintain this important dental appliance. Some of the recommendations we make to protect your maintainer include daily brushing and flossing, avoiding gum chewing, and refraining from hard, chewy, or sticky foods like candy. Typically, we will recommend a removable retainer to children who are slightly older because they are usually require less supervision. If you have any questions about the benefits of a space maintainer in National City, California, please schedule a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Rossana T. Alfonso, today. Our entire team is anxious to help your child have the happy, healthy smile they deserve.