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What is scaling and root planing used for?

These deep cleaning procedures are used to treat periodontitis, an advanced stage of gum disease?

What is gum disease?

Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar infect the gums. Gingivitis is the first stage of this disease and shows red, swollen gums. Periodontitis is the advanced stage and can result in tissue damage and the gums pulling away from teeth (creating periodontal pockets which trap more plaque and tartar).

What is tartar?

Tartar is hardened plaque which cannot be removed with normal brushing, only scaling.

What is scaling?

Using a scaling tool, your dentist or hygienist will scrap away plaque and tartar from teeth.

What is root planing?

This procedure involves the use of a curette to smooth the tooth root. A smooth surface helps the gums to reattach to teeth and makes it more difficult for plaque and tartar to stick.

Does scaling and root planing hurt?

You may experience some sensitivity and discomfort from scaling and root planing treatments. Your dentist will inject a local anesthetic in your mouth for the treatment and may prescribe a mouth wash or medication for the days following the procedure.

How often will I need scaling and root planing treatments?

This will depend on how advanced your periodontitis is and how well your gums react to treatment. Scaling and root planning is often performed on only one or two quadrants of the mouth per visit, so your entire mouth isn’t numbed at once or feels sensitive afterwards.